SCHOOL SISTERS of the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis SCHOOL SISTERS of the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis

We are here because

  • Someone wanted us

  • God called us to life

  • Jesus invited us to follow Him

  • Saint Francis of Assisi inspired us

  • Mother Frances walked before us

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School Sisters from four countries journeyed with the Emmaus Disciples

School Sisters from four countries journeyed with the Emmaus Disciples 17.08.2024

The International Meeting of Young Sisters under 45 was attended by Sisters from India, the Czech Republic, Chile and Slovakia. Twenty-three sisters journeyed  from August 6-12, 2024, to important places associated with the founding and beginnings of the Congregation.

"We wanted to organize this type of meeting after the General Chapter 2021 for the young Sisters, since they are the future of the Congregation," stated the Minister General, Sister Frances Marie Duncan, who introduced the purpose of the pilgrimage at the initial meeting in Prague. Since the General Chapter itself was in the spirit of the pilgrimage with the Disciples of Emmaus, this meeting continued along the same lines. Prague, which is the seat of the Czech Province, took over the opening parts of the programme. The sisters were shown the historic city, but also Slatiňany, where the Zahalka sisters came from Graz, and which became the cradle of the Congregation in Bohemia. In Hoješín, the participants were enthralled by the vivid memory of Sister Eliška Pretschner. Then the group moved to Slovakia, to the Provincial House in Žilina. From there they continued to Okoličné, where they were encouraged by the witness of the life of the older fellow sisters, their joy of living in faithfulness to God in a life according to the Gospel. Their pilgrimage also led them to Graz, Austria, to the tomb of our original foundress, Antonia Lampl .

As the Constitutions go on to say, "Our primary mission is to glorify God by spreading his kingdom and by living a life of holiness," the sisters, by their joyful presence alone, walking through the towns and villages of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria, brought joy and hope that consecrated life really can change the world. 

Suore Insegnanti di quattro Paesi in viaggio con i Discepoli di Emmaus - Galleria - Suore Francescane Insegnanti del Terz’Ordine Regolare di S. Francesco (

Extraordinary General Chapter

Extraordinary General Chapter 18.03.2024

March 18, 2024, we officially opened the Extraordinary General Chapter. The Goal of this Chapter is to revitalize our Congregation through the revision of the Constitution and General Directives in order to further our mission. We will dedicate whole week to working together on the texts of the Constitutions. We believe that this effort will bring the desired result.

But we hold this treasure in earthen vessels

But we hold this treasure in earthen vessels 18.08.2023

“But we hold this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing power may be of God and not from us.” 2Cor. 4,7

August 12, 2023 was a joyful day. Our Sister Anastázia Závadská, in the chapel in Okoličné, pronounced her first vows. She opened herself to a continuous readiness to be shaped by God's will through the people she meets daily... This event was an enriching sign of hope for the whole congregation. Thank you, Sister Anastázia, and best wishes!

Franciscan Centenary

Franciscan Centenary 24.01.2023

The Franciscan centenary is a journey that we have decided to begin in order for the entire Franciscan family throughout the world to celebrate together the 800th anniversary of Saint Francis' Passover and the culminating events of the last years of his life. Said Centenary has been divided into 4 Centenaries, respectively spread over 4 years where it will be possible to reflect and contemplate the Rule and Christmas in Greccio (1223-2023), the gift of the Stigmata (1224-2024), the Canticle of the Creatures (1225- 2025), the Passover of Francis of Assisi (1226-2026).

2023 marks the 800th anniversary of the Rule of the Order (29 November 1223) and the Christmas of Greccio.

January 7 in Greccio, in the presence of the six Minister Generals of the Franciscan Family, was inaugurated the Franciscan Centenary. 

A solemn Mass of thanksgiving for the gift of Sister Eliška's life

A solemn Mass of thanksgiving for the gift of Sister Eliška's life 03.06.2022

On May 28, the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Hradec Králové was stetting for a solemn Mass of thanksgiving for the gift of Sister Eliška's life and for all the graces received during the 21 years of work on this process. Presiding was Auxiliary Bishop Josef Kajnek, with a beautiful community of priests concelebrating. Among those attending were our General Minister, Sister Frances Marie Duncan, Provincial Minister of the Slovak Province, Sister Rafaela Zvrškovcová with several sisters from Slovakia, sisters from all the fraternities of the Czech Province, witnesses, friends and also members of the Klir family, relatives of Sister Eliška Pretschnerová. The dance of mothers and children to the theme of St. Francis‘ “Canticle of Brother Sun“ enhanced the liturgy. Gallery: A solemn Mass of thanksgiving for the gift of Sister Eliška's life

The final session of the diocesan process

The final session of the diocesan process 02.06.2022

On May 16, the final session of the diocesan process of the beatification of Sister Eliška Pretschnerová took place in the chapel of the Diocese of Hradec Králové. The session was presided over by the Ordinary, Bishop Jan Vokál. All procedural acts was prepared to be sent to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome for a deeper study of the life, virtues and all the requirements necessary for the recognition of the holiness of S.M. Eliška. The process will be handled by the Postulator General of the Order of Friars Minor in Rome, but final word depends on the Pope. Gallery: The final session of the diocesan process 

Prayer and charity work

Prayer and charity work 22.03.2022

 The sisters of the Czech Province are also actively engaged in helping people from Ukraine. In this service they collaborate with the Franciscan friars in the parish of Brno and Liberec-Ruprechtice. In Liberec, they also help people who are housed in the parish building, they try to integrate Ukrainian children into religion classes and are happy that despite the language barrier, the children feel comfortable with others. In our home for KDM students in Prague, there is prepared food for people from Ukraine who are in the area. Beginning March 20, Ukrainian female students will live in the house and attend high schools in Prague. The sisters are involved in collecting food, medicine, clothes or toys, and in collaboration with evangelical Christians they run a home for mothers with children in Prague, where they also volunteer. Together with the Franciscan brothers, they are involved in organizing parish and ecumenical prayer chains for Ukraine, which anyone can join in person or online.


Charity in action

Charity in action 18.03.2022

 The sisters in Slovakia are trying to help the refugees from Ukraine who have left their country because of the Russian invasion. On the border with Ukraine, many women with children continue to arrive and there is a lot of solidarity. The sisters participate in various initiatives to help the Ukrainians. They are with the volunteers at the border, they collect food, clothing and other necessary things and they collaborate with the Friars Minor by offering hospitality in their homes and assist in the recognition of documents in state offices. We pray to the Lord to give peace to the land, to help the people who suffer and give strength to those who help them.

Conclusion of the diocesan part of the beatification process

Conclusion of the diocesan part of the beatification process 03.02.2022

With great pleasure and gratefulness to God, we are announcing to you that the diocesan part of the beatification process of sister Eliska Pretschnerova OSF will be closed in May 2022. The final session of the process will take place 16th May 2022 in Hradec Kralove. On 28th May 2022, we will celebrate Holy Mass to thank our God for the gift of the life of Sister Eliska. We would like to thank you for your prayers and support.

Laudato Si’ Action Platform Commitment Statement

Laudato Si’ Action Platform Commitment Statement 25.11.2021

We, the School Sisters of St. Francis commit ourselves for the next seven years to initiate actions to promote the seven goals of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. As followers of St. Francis, care for creation in all its forms is a vital part of the action stemming from our spirituality. We recognize that our environment has suffered greatly over many years and little has been done to curtail this neglect.

We join together with the seven sectors of:  families, parishes and dioceses, educational institutions, healthcare institutions, economy, organizations and other religious congregations, to make a difference by taking direct action to prevent future damage to creation. The premise is that if each of us does some little part, there will be a critical mass to create real change in reestablishing a good relationship with Mother Earth and all creation. At our recent General Chapter held in July 2021, each jurisdiction in our congregation was challenged to create an action plan regarding the implementation of one or more aspects of the Laudato Si’ goals.  

Thanking the Lord for our sisters

Thanking the Lord for our sisters 22.11.2021

This year the feast of St. Elisabeth of Hungary [17 November], patroness of the Franciscan Third Order, was enriched with a special Mass of thanksgiving to the Lord for our sisters from the Italian Region. These sisters have devoted their lives in serving the sick, the needy, in prayer and generous giving. They have now become a fraternity under the care of the General Administration. Our wish is that this fraternity be filled with peace, merciful love and mutual support.

“Yes” to the Lord’s call

“Yes” to the Lord’s call 16.11.2021

 On 14 August 2021 our novices Bonaventura and Faustýna of the Czech province professed their first vows to the Lord into the hands of the newly elected provincial minister, SM Dominika Konečná. The Mass took place in Our Lady of the Angels Chapel in the provincial house in Prague. Joining in the celebration were various priests who accompanied the sisters, relatives and friends. The sisters will continue in the next phase of their formation in the fraternity in Liberec, where they will minister as pastoral assistants in two different parishes.

The nest day our sisters Josefka Musilová e Antonína Bílková renewed their vows. The main celebrant at the Mass was the provincial of their Friars Minor, Jakub Sadílek OFM.

We ask God’s blessing for these young sisters of ours and all the graces necessary for a daily “Ye” to the Lord’s call. 

General Chapter - The new General Council

General Chapter - The new General Council 16.07.2021

Gallery HERE.

General Chapter - The new General Minister

General Chapter - The new General Minister 15.07.2021

Gallery HERE.

General Chapter - The General Chapter of Affairs concluded

General Chapter - The General Chapter of Affairs concluded 14.07.2021

Dearest Sisters, 

from the beginning of our arrival, we thank the Lord for allowing us to meet in Rome to celebrate the General Chapter in person. 

On the first day of the Chapter, in silence, under the guidance of the facilitator, Fr. Francisco, we reconsidered our existential reality: Who am I? Who are we? Am I interiorly free? Has our charism remained alive through us?

The General Chapter was opened during Holy Mass; invoking the Holy Spirit, we began our journey, having in mind the disciples of Emmaus and the theme chosen for this Chapter. We walked from the chapel to the chapter room with our hearts open, knowing that this is our goal, our desire: to have burning hearts, and recognize the Lord during the sharing and searching for the right way.

In the first two days, we looked at the past by analyzing reports from the jurisdictions and examined what we were able with God's help to do well and what remains as a challenge to improve in the future. 

Then, as we walked forward, we shared our desire for renewal at personal, community, and apostolate level. In the "two by two" sharing dynamic, we experienced the sentiments of the disciples of Emmaus and recalled the Lord's promise: For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. For this reason, we also believe that the Lord was present during the work in the small groups and the sharing in the plenary group.

In the following days, the sharing continued during the explanations and discussions on the new models of government;

On the same day, we devoted time to presentations and explanations of the proposals sent to the Chapter. 

At the beginning of the new week, we voted on the proposals. We believe that the voting results showed the action of the Holy Spirit.

Like the disciples of Emmaus who returned with joy and a new message to their companions, we would like to return to our Sisters and bring them Good News.

 The content of the Message for the Sisters is not only a wonderful work of the Writing Committee, but the outcome of our search and feel that it was created under the Holy Spirit’s guidance. I think that now we can return to the Sisters with joy and witness, that the Spirit can keep our hearts burning and our charism alive when we walk together and give our free response to His guidance. 

Dear Sisters, I proclaim the General Chapter of Affairs concluded.

Sister Květa Vinklárková, OSF

General Chapter - Chapter of Affairs

General Chapter - Chapter of Affairs 13.07.2021

Gallery HERE.

General Chapter - Spiritual Committee

General Chapter - Spiritual Committee 09.07.2021

Gallery HERE.

General Chapter - Reports

General Chapter - Reports 07.07.2021

Gallery HERE.

General Chapter - Retreat and Opening ceremony - July 4, 2021

General Chapter - Retreat and Opening ceremony - July 4, 2021 04.07.2021

Gallery HERE.

General Chapter - Planning Committee June 30 - July 1, 2021

General Chapter - Planning Committee June 30 - July 1, 2021 02.07.2021
Pace e Bene!
Greetings from all the sisters gathered here for the General Chapter in Rome.
Gallery HERE.

Be with the Lord and be with His people

Be with the Lord and be with His people 22.05.2021

The sisters from the region of India acccepted the challenge of being with the Lord and with his most isolated, pain stricken and distressed people. The sisters volunteered to help the patients in the covid 19  ward in the Jubilee Mission Hospital Thrissur to console, support, assist, guide and to make them realize the Providence of God even in the midst of the most terrible moments in their lives.Sr.Jismi Sr. Lettishya and some other sisters wore the PPE kit and stayed with them for one week offering their service and graced presence. 

From the Diary of the novices from the Czech Province

From the Diary of the novices from the Czech Province 16.03.2021

As early as the summer of 2020, we began our novitiate apostolic experience with our service to our elderly sisters who contracted the coronavirus when the pandemic had entered into our house. We offered our services in nursing according to our abilities and mostly we were involved in the services needed within the house. In November 2020, another opportunity for our apostolic experience came unexpectedly when we were contacted and asked to assist in the House of Fatima where there was a crisis caused by coronavirus. The House of Fatima is administered by Caritas and provides services to people with physical disabilities who are preparing for independent living. During the months of January and February, we had an opportunity to get acquainted with our fraternities in Brno, Liberec and Hoješín. These experiences gave us a wonderful opportunity to do various activities together as sisters. 

We look with faith at what awaits us during the remainder of our novitiate.

To experience Lent with love

To experience Lent with love 02.03.2021

 “To experience Lent with love means caring for those who suffer or feel abandoned and fearful because of the Covid-19 pandemic.” (Message of his Holiness Pope Francis for Lent 2021). The sisters in Slovakia are contributing in the fight against the pandemic while helping in various places. They stand side by side with those who suffer and with those who are on the front lines. Some sisters who work at schools have temporarily “been transformed” into healthcare personnel in their desire to be close to the people in need.

A leap of the heart

A leap of the heart 01.03.2021

Love is a leap of the heart; it brings us out of ourselves and creates bonds of sharing and communion. (Message of his Holiness Pope Francis for Lent 2021). This beautiful sentence of the Holy Father comes true in our small fraternity in Patti. The doors of their house have remained open also during the time of the pandemic to welcome the people who are in need of visiting the hospital, immigrants who experience material and spiritual needs. The sisters find open doors as well – in the houses of the people to whom they bring Holy Communion, hope and joy.

We look to the future with hope

We look to the future with hope 03.01.2021

On the day of the 150th anniversary of the Decree Quemadmodum Deus in which blessed Pius IX declared Saint Joseph the patron of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis declared a special year of Saint Joseph. Together with the decree, the Holy Father published an Apostolic Letter “With a Father’s Heart.” In this letter he points out the “creative courage” of Saint Joseph that surfaces most of all in the midst of difficulties and awakens within a person unknown resources. The carpenter of Nazareth knew how to transform a problem into an opportunity always relying on his trust in Providence.

Let us look with hope and creative courage into the future entrusting ourselves to Saint Joseph, the patron saint of this new year. 

Blessed Christmas and a happy New Year

Blessed Christmas and a happy New Year 24.12.2020

 "We give You thanks, O Holy Father, because in this birth of Your Son, Blessed Jesus, which we celebrate in the midst of winter, You have given us a true springtime, filled with every enchantment." Anthony of Padua

We wish you a very blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with hope. 

"They were talking about everything that had happened…"

"They were talking about everything that had happened…" 04.08.2020

The text of disciples of Emmaus from the Gospel of Luke was fundamental for the reflection of the sisters who met for the first part of the jurisdictional chapters: Slovak Province (10-16.7.2020), Italian Region (13-17.7.2020), Czech Province (28.7-2.2.2020). In their meetings, they discussed both the evaluation of the previous five-year period and the preparation for the 2021 General Chapter in Rome. There was no lack of enthusiasm to start again with the ardent desire for the Kingdom of God and for all those who approach in their service.

Praised be You, my Lord, through those who bear infirmity and tribulation

Praised be You, my Lord, through those  who bear infirmity and tribulation 20.07.2020

On 19 July 2020 our sister and general councilor Sister M. Jessy Chakkunny Mooleparambil returned to the house of Our Lord. She died in Rome after a long illness at the age of 50 and in the 27th year of her religious life. We give thanks to the Lord for the gift of her life among us.

Together for this time

Together for this time 29.04.2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic the sisters are finding various ways of responding to the signs and needs of the times. In various countries where the sisters minister, they make masks and distribute them among the people, they cook and distribute food to the needy, they send financial support to various charitable organizations, do the shopping for the elderly and shut-ins, they volunteer in nursing homes with patients suffering from COVID-19. Others are involved in the listening ministry – they call people who are lonely, or they are part of a network where people can call in, talk and share their stories and pains, they post a various of encouraging words on the website and send various articles to lift up the spirits of those who are down. The sisters do not forget the families with little children and cooperate with the Franciscan friars in preparing bedtime stories on the Internet for little ones.

The world is something more ...

The world is something more ... 27.04.2020

Despite the necessary ongoing restrictive measures, nature in fact continues to carry the fragrance of spring and new life with it. “Saint Francis, faithful to Scripture, invites us to see nature as a magnificent book in which God speaks to us and grants us a glimpse of his infinite beauty and goodness. Rather than a problem to be solved, the world is a joyful mystery to be contemplated with gladness and praise." (Encyclical letter: Laudato si', n.12) Especially in this time, nature is helping us helps us to experience the closeness and love of God. We invite you to take a virtual walk in our garden discovering the wonders of the Lord. Praise be to you, my Lord! 

Easter 2020

Easter 2020 10.04.2020

In these days, when we existentially experience our own fragility and weakness, you, Lord, are showing us the only way, which is Love. 

Wishing you a very blessed Easter. 

Washing one’s hands and purifying one’s heart

Washing one’s hands and purifying one’s heart 17.03.2020

The beginning of Lent of this year came in an unexpected form, marked by the hard impact of Coronavirus. In order to counteract this emergency various preventive and restrictive measures are taken. One of the measures for personal protection is washing one’s hands frequently. Washing our hands well helps us and those around us to prevent the illness. Besides this important reality there is also another one – purifying one’s heart. Lent is a privileged time to stop and take a look at one’s heart that today takes in every form of garbage and accumulates it while living in a state of great confusion and illness. Let us rediscover the times in which we are living as an opportune moment, let us enter inside of ourselves so that we can purify and eliminate from our hearts everything that hinders it from becoming a place of an encounter with God and with people. May this season become the Lent of the heart during which everyone discovers, purifies and broadens one’s heart. 

Passing the baton

Passing the baton 11.03.2020

We have been present at St. John’s Mission in Barberton, South Africa since 1989. During these 30 years our sisters from different countries have had a variety of ministries: providing hostel for the colored students (since 1989), offering palliative care to adults dying of AIDS (since 1998) and most recently (since 2010) providing care for children and youth many of whom are HIV/AIDS positive in St. John’s Child and Youth Care Center. Even though after these many years, our service at St. John’s Mission has come to an end due to the congregation not having enough sisters to carry on with this valuable ministry, it will continue through the lay people whom the sisters have trained.  


Hello! 02.02.2020


We are happy to meet you on our website.

Enjoy your time with us.

The New Year in the way to the center

The New Year in the way to the center 02.01.2020

“We are asked to imitate the Magi. They do not debate; they set out. They do not stop to look, but enter the house of Jesus. They do not put themselves at the centre, but bow down before the One who is the centre. They do not remain glued to their plans, but are prepared to take other routes. Their actions reveal a close contact with the Lord, a radical openness to him, a total engagement with him. With him, they use the language of love, the same language that Jesus, though an infant, already speaks. Indeed, the Magi go to the Lord not to receive, but to give. “ (Homily of Pope Francis, 6 January 2019)

Best wishes for a new year filled with humility to begin the journey and the ardent desire to find the Lord! 

Advent – The Time of Waiting

Advent – The Time of Waiting 13.12.2019

Our sisters in the Franciscan Resource Center in San Angelo in Texas, USA keep their hearts and door open for those who are seeking and suffering. The number is growing due to the difficult situation in Mexico and the reality of immigrants in the USA. Their stories are filled with sadness as well as with confidence in the Lord. In this Advent season, their voices sound even stronger calling for peace, justice and freedom. Let us unite in prayer for these immigrants who undergo many difficult trials and persecutions. Maranatha!

Woman, whom are you looking for?

Woman, whom are you looking for? 03.11.2019

The search for God is one of the greatest desires that has been touching the depth of human hearts for centuries. Urged by this desire our sisters came to Rome from various parts of the congregation for a meeting inspired by a text of the Gospel according to John. The text presents Mary Magdalene’s search for Christ that took place “on the first day of the week … when there was still darkness.” They experienced the dimension of this search: in prayer, conferences, sharing and a pilgrimage to la Verna and Assisi. The days from 7 to 18 October were enriched by an atmosphere of sincerity, fraternal love, dialogue and the joy of being together. The participants returned to their fraternities filled with enthusiasm and the desire to share the good that they had received with their brothers and sisters

100 Years of the Presence of Our Sisters in Slovakia

100 Years of the Presence of Our Sisters in Slovakia 08.09.2019

On 23 August 2019, 100 years have passed since the arrival of the first School Sisters of St. Francis in Slovakia. 100 years and one day and later, 24 August 2019, our congregation celebrated this important anniversary with gratitude to the Lord for all the good He has done for the sisters and through them for others. We believe that He will continue to bless them. This event was an opportunity for a joyful meeting with the sisters from various jurisdictions and numerous guests. 

Gift of vocations

Gift of vocations 25.08.2019

During the month of August the Czech Province engaged in various apostolic initiatives and celebrations. On 18 August two junior sisters renewed their temporary vows and two postulants entered the novitiate. We give thanks to the Lord for the gift of their vocations and we pray that He will be glorified in their lives. 

The Official Opening of Kolbe Academy

The Official Opening of Kolbe Academy 11.08.2019

The Diocese of Allentown opened the first Catholic high school in the United States for students in recovery from substance addiction on the property of Monocacy Manor in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The sisters of the US Province see Kolbe Academy as another way of fulfilling our mission when they minister to the needs of the time by providing one of their buildings to the diocese for Kolbe Academy.

Visit to Central Asia

Visit to Central Asia 09.06.2019

 During the time in May and June 2019, our general minister, Sister Kveta visited the fraternities in Central Asia.  The sisters were very happy to share their experience of the various ways they minister to the youth and to the adults in the various parishes in the countries of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.  It was obvious that the sisters enjoy what they are doing and expressed their conviction that the future of our mission in Central Asia lies in working with the youth and the poor.

Jurisdiction Ministers meeting

Jurisdiction Ministers meeting 21.05.2019

 Being an international congregation, the ministers of the jurisdictions were invited to the generalate in Rome to meet with the members of the general administration.  There was a spirit of fraternity and openness among the sisters and they shared their activities, their joys and their problems in their respective jurisdictions. The second part of the meeting discussed ways of revitalizing of the life and the mission of the congregation and then the sisters helped the general administration to prepare for the 22nd General Chapter, a meeting held every five years.  Finding a theme was very important and together after prayer and discernment a theme emerged.  Chosen was the gospel passage of Luke 24:32:  “Did not our hearts burn within us while He spoke with us . . .?”

First Vows in India

First Vows in India 05.05.2019

 4 May was an important day for the novices Sr. Jesana and Sr. Lettishya of the Region of India who pronounced their first vows at the celebration that took place in the convent chapel in Thrissur. On this joyous occasion, the sisters of the Region welcomed them with affection and joy. We give thanks to the Lord for the gift of their vocations. 

Blessed Easter!

Blessed Easter! 19.04.2019

We wish you all a profound joy and gratitude springing from Christ’s resurrection and from His presence in the Eucharist and in our hearts. 

Small gesture

Small gesture 04.04.2019

The sisters in the generalate are responsible for the pastoral care at Villa Betania Clinic. In expectation of the celebration of Christ’s passion and resurrection, the sisters prepared small gifts for the patients at the clinic. Also with this small gesture they want to bring hope of new life springing from Christ’s resurrection to those suffering of various health problems. 

St. John’s Mission

St. John’s Mission 30.03.2019

Our sisters have been present at St. John’s Mission for 30 years. They have offered their services to various people in need. At present, they are ministering to children in St. John’s Care Centre. This Centre provides care for children suffering from AIDS/HIV, abandoned and abused children suffering from various traumas. In March, two general councilors visited the Mission and spent some time with the sisters and children. Many children at the Centre are very talented and they showed it in a program which they prepared for this occasion. May God give growth to all the gifts that He has given them.

Jesus is the blessing for each and all


The Holy Father at the Angelus on New Year’s Day reflects on the “most ancient blessing” used by the Israelite priests to bless the people: “The LORD bless you and keep you. The LORD let His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The LORD turn His face to you and give you peace.”

We wish you a Happy New Year with Jesus, blessing for you

New International Community

New International Community 18.12.2018

On Sunday, December 23rd, the Diocesan House of Hospitality "Sacra Famiglia" of Patti was inaugurated. The structure will have the worthy function of providing hospitality to the relatives of patients admitted to the Patti Hospital facing a period of hospitalization who would not be able to closely assist them due to economic reasons.  The management and care of the "Holy Family" House will be entrusted to our three sisters: S. Shini Muringathery. S. Rita Lionetti and S. Rita Němcová.

Best wishes for their new ministry!


Open the doors to Mercy

Open the doors to Mercy 15.08.2018

This invitation by Pope Francis also resonated in our community in Rome. Even if we no longer manage the clinic, we have accepted the challenge of welcoming into our home the relatives of the sick who are treated there. These are very beautiful encounters: listening, sharing the health difficulties, but also spiritual ones ... and admiration of Mercy that acts in the life of the sick and their family.


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